the sweet sound of money being made isn't it? A fan unit called "Fanny Mac" ($65) from Beck Tech works it! There's a lot of heat generated in the matter what the manufacturer says. The second item pertains to rodents...get rid of your Mac's mouse and get a track ball. Why? Because you will not have enough space in the shop for the "mouse" and the damn thing keeps being covered up with blueprints and M.O.T.'s. A "TurboTrack Ball" ($79) from Asher Engineering, sold through "MacConnection" eliminates that problem. Use the velcro strips supplied with it to attach the unit to your will always know where your "pointer
(mouse) device"
is at. The third
item that will
remind you
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nothing but an Apple ImageWriter II and the required works all day every day! The next thing will be an external disk drive...again get an Apple floppy disk drive. Now I know that there are readers out there who will moan and groan about being
"sucked-in" to Apple equipment and the attending high prices you will have to pay, but this is advice for the first time Mac user and everything previously mentioned works together...again, all day every day. Success first, pennies second! Ok, the next four items are not from Apple. It seems that when the Mac was first "invented" at Apple Computer Inc., nobody wanted a fan in the beast because of the noise. The boys and girls in Cupertino have never heard 10-30
horsepower grunt, and they have never heard the chips hitting the inside of a machine enclosure. Well, you have, and its